Special Springs NA

internal of nitrogen gas springs

Interchangeable Nitrogen Gas Springs from Special Springs

Everyone has their preferred brand.

If you drive a pickup, you’re either a Ford or a Chevy guy. Beer drinkers like Miller or Budweiser. Golfers pick between Callaway, Taylor Made or Titleist. 

Once people get to know a particular brand, they choose it out of habit. 

Underneath it all, however, the devices these brands represent aren’t all that different. An iPhone and an Android phone let you do the same things – make calls, text, download apps.

Strip away the badging, and many products are interchangeable. 

The same is true when it comes to nitrogen gas springs. 

It’s a little-known secret, but many of the most-popular nitrogen gas springs on the market today are interchangeable. 

Why is this so? 

For one thing, the die spring industry is a mature industry. Gas springs have been around for more than fifty years. They’ve almost become a commodity. 

Secondly, all leading nitrogen springs are all built to the same ISO standards to assure fit, form, and function, which means, under the hood, they all perform about the same.

That means that the Dadco, Kaller, or Hyson springs that many of you have been using for years are no different than springs from Special Springs. 

Unless one of us discovers a super metal that never breaks, or a new magical compressed gas, our products will continue to be more similar than dissimilar.

That’s not to say we don’t have our differences.

Nitrogen Gas Springs: The Special Springs Difference

So, you may wonder, if gas springs are interchangeable, why should you choose Special Springs? That’s a darn good question. It’s the things we do beyond the spring that make the difference. 

These differences include:

    • Active safety features. Our Lifeplus Concept includes a series of safety devices (OSAS, USAS, OPAS, SKUDO) meant to increase and improve the safety and life of gas cylinders. 
    • Product inventory. We stock over 100,000 springs of all sizes and types. If you call with a need, chances are we have it in stock.
    • Same-day shipping. We provide same-day shipping on orders received by 3 PM EST. Special Springs also provides estimates within one hour. 
    • Satisfaction guarantee. “We stand behind our products. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll provide you another product,” says Special Springs North America President Jim Glynn. “We will out service and outperform anyone.”
    • Part lookup and conversion guides. See the information below about these unique customer-service features. 

Special Springs Part Lookup and Conversion Guides

We provide two innovative features on our website that make it easy for you to find Special Springs equivalents for nitrogen gas springs from leading manufacturers. 

The first feature is an interactive part lookup. It’s located at the top of every page of our website. Simply type in the number of a competitor’s part – say, for example, Dadco’s UT.4600 – 016 and hit the Search button. 

You’ll be presented a page that identifies our matching part number – in this case, RT4200-016A.

You’ll also see a chart that compares our product to Dadco’s. If you click the “+” button to the far right, you’ll get a drill down into the details of our part, with specifications and CAD drawings. 

We also provide conversion guides in a table format that provides cross-references for Dadco, Kaller and Hyson products. The easy-to-use charts let you identify the matching Special Springs part number for these brands. 

Gas Spring Interchangeability in the Real World

So, is gas spring interchangeability true? Or just a false promise? According to Special Springs President Jim Glynn, it’s real.

If you are interested in speaking with a Special Springs representative to learn more about nitrogen gas spring interchangeability, fill out our contact form or call us at 888-242-5418. And remember: not all nitrogen cylinders are the same.

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